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Hair Loss in Women

There isn’t anything more disturbing for most women than a distinctly thinner hairline or dull and flat hair that seems to have lost its volume. Hair loss of 50 to 100 hairs each day is common. More than this amount could mean you have an underlying condition, but, in some cases, genetics or an issue with heat can cause your hair to thin out.

If you’ve noticed your hair seems to be thinner, we’re here to help.

When your hair does not grow back, you may have a condition called androgenetic alopecia. This condition can occur if you have a family history of hair loss. This type of hair loss usually starts at the top of your head and down the sides. Androgenetic alopecia can occur in women, although not as often as in men. Women are more likely to have female pattern baldness, a condition that occurs in about one-third of susceptible women.

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Eight Causes of Hair Loss in Women and How to Treat Them

Let’s talk about the causes of hair loss in women and how to treat your thinning hairline.


According to studies, men are more likely than women to…..

Thyroid Disorders

Many factors can cause hair loss. Some reasons for hair loss…..

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormone disorder that can…..


Lupus is a complicated disease. It can affect people in many different…..

Iron-Deficient Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is when your body doesn’t have…..

Anxiety Disorders or Severe Stress

You might have heard that stress can cause hair loss…..


Medications are drugs that can make people feel better…..

Alopecia Areata

Hair loss is a common problem among women…..


According to studies, men are more likely than women to suffer from hair loss at some point in their lives. Male and female pattern baldness are equally common. Men experience hair loss more frequently; however, the truth is that it doesn’t make it any less unpleasant or difficult for the person who is going through it. Losing one’s hair can undermine one’s self-esteem. Plus, it can trigger plenty of negative emotions, all of which can cause frustration.

Female pattern baldness is hair loss that only affects women. It’s the same as male pattern baldness, except that women can lose their hair differently. In men, hair loss starts on the top of their head and moves around to the back until they have no more hair. It starts at any portion line on a woman’s head. Then, it moves to the temples on either side of her face, where it may also recede.

As you get older, you will probably lose your hair. About two-thirds of women have hair loss after they have their period for the last time. Less than half of women make it to age 65 with a full head of hair.

Genes can contribute to female pattern baldness. If you lose your hair after menopause, hormones are likely responsible. Consult your doctor if you have a receding hairline to determine whether you have female pattern baldness or another type of hair loss. It is preferable to begin treatment as soon as possible. Treatment will start to work sooner, but it may stop operating for a while and then resume.

The anagen phase (growing phase) slows down in female pattern hair loss. It also takes longer for new hair to start growing. When hair follicles shrink, it leads to more delicate and thinner hairs that break easily.

The American Academy of Dermatology says that it is normal for women to lose up to 100 hairs each day. Women with female pattern baldness can lose even more. But usually, you will not go bald. You may experience a lot of thinning all over your head, though.

Hair loss can be passed on from parents to children. Many different genes are involved, and you can get these genes from either of your parents. If both your mother and father have had hair loss or other close relatives, then you might acquire the genes for it too.

If you’re suffering from female pattern baldness, you can try finasteride or topical minoxidil. Alternatively, you can try other hair loss solutions such as hair transplants.

Treatment for Female Pattern Baldness

In the past, some people did not want to have surgery for hair loss because surgery was difficult. Surgeons would cut a strip from the head and move it to other parts of their scalp. The scalp would have to stretch to allow it be sewed back together. But then the person’s hair would look thinner than before.

Today, a procedure called Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) allows doctors to move single hair follicles to other parts of the head or face. While the process isn’t easy and takes a long time, the results are usually superb.

During this process, the doctor takes hair follicles from parts of your scalp that are most densely populated. The doctor can take up to 20% of these follicles before the hair becomes noticeably thinner, and most will stop at about 15%. At this point, the hair is moved to parts of your scalp that you want more hair growth.

The doctor can take hair from the back of your head and put it in the front to make your hair grow. This transfer will be permanent. Your new hair will not grow in the place where you took it, but if the doctor stays within a certain amount, you won’t notice anything different.

Thyroid Disorders

Many factors can cause hair loss. Some reasons for hair loss are simply the body’s normal reaction to certain situations. One of them is faulty hormones, which frequently play a role in why most people suffer from thinning or balding scalp areas. After childbirth, some women lose their hair, and by the time they reach menopause, they have lost all of their hair. Hair loss affects some older men and women to varying degrees, which genetic factors mostly determine.

In addition, severe and long-term hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are two more reasons for hair loss. These elements feature a widespread hair loss pattern that affects the entire scalp rather than specific areas with uniformly thin hair.

Hair regrowth is common after effective thyroid disease therapy. However, it can take many months to complete.

Antithyroid medicines might make you lose your hair. It can be challenging to tell whether anti-thyroid medicine or a previous thyroid problem causes hair loss. Alternative treatments for hyperthyroidism are challenging to come by in all circumstances.

Thyroid cancer screening is a delicate and time-consuming procedure. To get a better picture of your body’s thyroid function, you should take a test. But you should also be aware of other issues related to your thyroid. You may have symptoms but are unaware of the condition. It is because your thyroid laboratory results are within normal limits.

If this situation is the case, you may be suffering from a thyroid problem or thyroid-related malfunction.

Doctors use medications to treat thyroid disorders. The diagnosis might be difficult, especially for rare disorders. But once you find a diagnosis, your doctor may tell you that a treatment plan exists. This treatment plan may be very effective. Most women’s hair will grow back after the hair starts to return to normal.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormone disorder that can cause many different symptoms. One symptom is that you can grow hair more than usual in places like your face or body. Some people have thicker hair, while some who have PCOS might lose or thin it.

PCOS results in virilization due to high androgen production. You may develop male-pattern hair growth and other masculine physical characteristics if you have this illness. Male sex hormones like androgens, and female sex hormones like estrogen, may be out of balance.

This condition refers to the appearance of more male traits, such as abundant hair in areas where it does not normally grow, such as the face, neck, chest, and abdomen.

Extra androgens can also cause hair thinning, particularly at the front of your scalp. Androgenetic alopecia, often known as female pattern baldness, is the condition.

Hair lost as a result of PCOS will not regrow. You may be encourage hair regeneration with the appropriate kind of treatment. In addition, you can disguise PCOS-related hair loss in some ways. Hormonal imbalance is the cause of PCOS-related hair loss. Treatment is essential for hair loss because doctors can accomplish treatment in many ways. For example, doctors might give you pills to help control your hormones.

You may need to try a few medicines before finding the one that works best for you. Most people get better results when they use different treatments like Rogaine, Propecia, and hair transplants.


Lupus is a complicated disease. It can affect people in many different ways. People with lupus can have joint pain, stiffness, and a rash on their faces. They may also lose hair when they have lupus. This hair loss is upsetting, but individuals afflicted with lupus can take steps to care for themselves and their hair.

One study found that hair loss was different in one of four women with SLE. In some, it was widespread, while others only had a particular part of their head where hair is lost. Generally, people who have SLE lose between 55% and 100% of their hair.

Lupus might cause hair loss. If you have discoid lesions or cannot control the disease, then your hair may not come back. Your doctor may prescribe an antimalarial drug to reduce lupus flares to help your hair grow back.

Follow your doctor’s instructions and take your medications as directed.

Iron-Deficient Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is when your body doesn’t have enough iron or can’t use it. You might get short of breath, tired, or have chest pain. You might even lose hair.

Experts do not know the exact reason for low iron stores in people who experience hair loss. They know that iron is an important element in a protein called ribonucleotide reductase, which helps with cell growth.

Due to a decrease in iron levels, hair follicle cells may not grow new cells as quickly.

The treatment for iron deficiency anemia is to take an iron supplement. Your doctor can also recommend other treatments such as Rogaine, Propecia, and a hair transplant.

Anxiety Disorders or Severe Stress

You might have heard that stress can cause hair loss. If you notice more hair on your pillow or in the shower, this shedding of hair could be because of stress or anxiety.

It is reasonable to be concerned about how stressful events can affect you. When people are stressed, they might have hair loss. Stressful efforts may be linked to people getting divorced or someone in their family passing away. Additionally, pregnancy, chronic illness, relationship problems, worry about money, recent surgery, medications, and other matters are other contributing reasons for hair loss.

Hair follicles stop being active and producing hair when you are stressed. When your body does not have enough nutrients or hormones, this lack can make your hair follicles go into a state called telogen effluvium.

Eating healthy and doing yoga can help a lot with stress and protect your hair from falling out too much. To relieve stress and protect your hair, follow these tips:

  • Washing, drying, and styling your hair should all be done with caution.
  • You can use relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga to help you relax.
  • Get frequent exercise and eat a nutritious diet.
  • Spend time around folks who are upbeat.
  • Consult a therapist for assistance.


Medications are drugs that can make people feel better. Sometimes they have side effects. Excessive hair growth, hair color or texture changes, and hair loss can all be caused by certain medications.

Like any other type of hair loss, drug-induced hair loss can harm your self-confidence. The good news is that it is usually reversible after you stop taking the medication. Hair loss could result from a variety of medicines, including:

  • Vitamin A-based acne medicines (retinoids)
  • Antibiotics and antifungal medications used to treat infections
  • Antidepressants
  • Pills for birth control
  • Drugs that reduce cholesterol
  • Breast cancer and other malignancies treated with drugs
  • Antihypertensive drugs, such as beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, and diuretics, used to treat high blood pressure
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) to treat inflammation (NSAIDs)
  • Steroids
  • Antithyroid drugs
  • Medications for weight loss

Talk to your doctor about what side effects come from your medicines. If you have hair loss, your hair may grow back on its own after you stop taking the medicine. But if not, other treatments can help, such as other medications that reduce hair loss and may help regrow it. These medications may include finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine).

Alopecia Areata

Hair loss is a common problem among women. Some of the more devastating factors that lead to hair loss are autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata. With this condition, your immune system attacks and kills healthy hairs on the top of your head.

Alopecia areata is an illness that can make you lose hair. You might lose hair in one or more areas, but it may not be on your whole head. It might happen a little at first and then worsen, but it could also start poorly and stay the same.

Hair that looks like an exclamation point is a defining feature of this condition. These hairs are typically present on the patch’s edge, extending several millimeters above the scalp.

Alopecia areata shows itself in remissions and recurrences that occur spontaneously. Some patients with this illness are healthy otherwise, whereas others have comorbidities including the following:

  • Atopy
  • Thyroid disease
  • Vitiligo

Common treatments include:

  • Corticosteroids
  • Immunotherapy designed to create an allergic reaction that causes hair regrowth
  • 5% minoxidil (Rogaine)
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