man showing his balding hair

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Do you want to get rid of your thinning hair, bald spots, and receding hairline for good? An FUT (follicular unit transplantation) hair transplant may be a viable option for you. A hair transplant can help restore hair to areas of the scalp where growth is limited or absent.

Hair loss, thinning hair, and bald patches often result from age or genetics. However, they can also happen because of underlying medical conditions or trauma to the scalp. Some people who experience these issues may choose a hair transplant to look good and feel confident about themselves again.

Hair transplantation during the 1990s typically resulted in unnatural, plug-like looking results. Instead of transplanting tissue plugs, Dr. Barnard, Dr. Golio, Clinician Daniels, and Dr. Singh transplant individual hair follicles.

Hair transplants are a good option for people who want to replace their hair. We use the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) approach at Hair Transplant Specialists – New York City (NYC). Do you have any problems with hair loss? If you do, contact Hair Transplant Specialists – New York City (NYC) for your consultation today.

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Doctor marking the hair line
bald man crown view

What Is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)?

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a hair restoration procedure that uses your natural hair to cover balding areas. During the FUT procedure, individual hair follicles are extracted from your scalp and transplanted into areas with thinning or balding hair. The process is minimally invasive and results in natural-looking, fuller hair growth.

The FUT procedure is a safe, effective way to restore hair growth that looks completely natural. The donor area from which follicles are taken is usually the back of your head, where there is an abundance of healthy, robust hair follicles.

The individual follicles are carefully removed and transplanted into areas with thinning or no hair growth. This process allows more follicles to be transplanted in one procedure, setting it apart from other methods. As a result, FUT mimics natural hair growth as it usually grows in groups rather than one at a time.

The FUT procedure is performed under local anesthesia and typically takes between four to 12 hours, depending on the amount of hair being transplanted. New hair growth can be seen in as little as four months. With proper aftercare, your FUT results can last a lifetime.

The primary benefit of FUT is its precision and natural-looking results. Furthermore, recovery times are typically shorter than other methods as less scarring occurs due to fewer incisions being made into the scalp.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a safe and effective way to restore natural-looking hair and help you regain confidence. If you’re considering hair restoration, speak with an experienced and knowledgeable doctor to get the best results.

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Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): How Does It Work?

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Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): How Does It Work?

When performing FUT, our hair transplant surgeon removes a strip of skin from the back of your scalp. The size of the strip is determined by how many follicles are necessary to cover bald areas or thinning hair.

The FUT process follows this format:

  1. Your surgeon will remove a strip of skin at the donor site. To help you achieve a natural-looking hairline, we will first determine where the hair is thinner on your scalp. Afterward, the surgery team will shave the back of your head (the donor site) and save the hair around it.
  2. Our hair transplant specialist removes a strip of your skin in the donor area, using a local anesthetic to numb the area. This strip will contain your permanent hair follicles.
  3. Dr. Barnard, Dr. Golio, or Dr. Singh will stitch the area. At the same time, they will cover the area with the surrounding hair once the donor hair is removed.
  4. Our hair restoration team will cut the donor hair into small grafts to permit easier transplantation on your head. While the follicular units are prepared for transplantation, you can read, nap, watch a movie, or relax.
  5. Our doctor makes tiny cuts on your scalp. When the hairs are ready to be implanted, the team place them in the recipient sites (balding areas) on your head. Dr. Barnard, Dr. Golio and Dr. Sing make sure that follicular units will all have good positions, angles, and depths.
  6. The surgical staff will tell you about caring for your donor and recipient sites and you will receive a pain reliever. You may suffer soreness, tightness, or numbness the day following your hair transplant operation. Most patients can return to work after a few days. Any swelling and redness should subside a week following your procedure, and hair regrowth may occur three months following the surgery. After the surgery, you should notice significant amounts of new hair developing in your scalp after six months. It could take up to a year for the final results to be visible.

The Ability to Perform MEGA Session Hair Transplants

Hair restoration specialists can transplant significant quantities of hair from one head in one session using the FUT procedure. This ability offers several advantages:

  • The hair transplant procedure is done quickly. Doctors can complete the surgery in a few days, enabling the patient to return to a normal routine.
  • This procedure allows the surgical team to harvest a higher number of grafts.
  • The FUT procedure protects the donor site by reducing the number of times the donor area gets incised.
  • When many grafts get extracted, enough one, two, three, and four hair grafts get left for a soft frontal hairline. Also, three and four hair transplants are sufficient for a complete head of hair.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)?

FUT procedures best suit patients with a sufficient amount of hair to cover balding areas. The amount of hair needed depends on the size of the balding area and the patient’s desired outcome. Patients should also be in good overall health and have realistic expectations for the results of their procedure.

Some additional factors to consider before pursuing FUT include the following:

  • Age: Since hair loss patterns in younger persons are less predictable, FUT is usually performed on patients ages 25 and older. As long as one is in excellent health, individuals do not need to be concerend about an upper age limit.
  • Amount of hair loss or thinning
  • The size of the balding area
  • Hair qualities, such as curl and color
  • Progression of male pattern baldness
  • Previous hair transplant procedures
  • Recovery time available


FUT’s Potential Side Effects

FUT hair transplants are generally safe when conducted by a qualified and experienced hair transplant physician. But even with successful procedures, some possible side effects can happen. You could have mild scalp irritation or very rarely, a more serious infection, which could result in permanent scarring of the donor area.

Bleeding or Infection

Hair transplants necessitate skin cuts or incisions. There’s a rare risk of infection or excessive bleeding with any incision.

FUT Scarring 

The FUT procedure typically results in a lengthy, linear scar where a strip of skin on the scalp had been removed. After some time, this scar may vanish. If you cut your hair short, though, it may be noticeable.

Swelling and Pain 

Some patients may have pain during the healing process and swelling in the head and face while the skin heals. To aid with this problem, a doctor can prescribe pain medicines.

Shock Hair Loss

Shock hair loss is a term that describes donor hair effluvium. When transplanted hair comes out within two months of the treatment, this condition is known as fallout syndrome. On the other hand, hair usually regrows in four months or less.

FUE vs. FUT Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) are two of the most popular hair restoration procedures for those experiencing thinning or balding hair. Both techniques involve harvesting individual hair follicles from the donor area, but there are some critical differences between the two.

Transplant TypeFUEFUT
Surgery Time4-12 hours4-12 hours
SedationLocal anesthesiaLocal anesthesia
IncisionPunch incisionStrip incision
ScarringMultiple dots of scarringLinear scar at the donor site that can be hidden by hair
Recovery3-5 days10-12 days
ResultsSpotty, less natural-looking hair growthFuller, more natural-looking hair growth

FUT Hair Transplant Cost

An FUT hair transplant can cost anywhere from $6,000 to $12,000. It’s important to remember that this is an investment in yourself and your future confidence. Be sure to research all options before making a decision, and always consult with an experienced doctor.

The cost of an FUT hair transplant will vary depending on several factors, including the size of the balding area and the number of grafts needed for successful coverage. Additionally, the doctor’s experience and location can also affect the overall cost of the procedure.

Recovery After Surgery

Recovery from the FUT procedure is generally mild and may include minor swelling, redness, and itching. To ensure proper healing, it’s essential to follow all aftercare instructions given by your doctor, including taking prescribed medications as directed and using cold compresses when necessary.

You can expect to return to work and resume normal activities within a few days, depending on the number of hair plugs transplanted. Patient results will become visible in three to four months and will continue to improve over time.

Final Results After FUT Procedure

The results of your follicular unit transplant can provide long-term hair growth. However, it’s important to remember that everyone is unique and individual results may vary.

With proper care and maintenance, your FUT results can last a lifetime. Your hair specialist can provide personalized aftercare instructions and answer any questions about the procedure.

Some tips for maintaining long-term results include:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure.
  • Wear a hat when outside.
  • Use gentle, sulfate-free products on your hair.
  • Limit heat styling.
  • Regularly consult a doctor for scalp health check-ups.

FUT Hair Transplant New York

If you’re looking for an experienced and knowledgeable doctor to perform your Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedure, you can find a qualified specialist in New York. Whether in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, or one of the other boroughs, you can find a top-rated hair transplant doctor who can give you natural-looking and long-lasting hair implants.

The New York Hair Transplant Center with Dr. Lawrence Barnard and Rhonda Daniels, PA-C offer some of the highest-tier hair transplants in New York City. We offer numerous services specific to hair restoration, including FUT, FUE, and other procedures. Our qualified team of board-certified surgeons and medical professionals has years of experience performing successful FUT procedures and providing the best results.

Whether you’re looking to restore your hairline or fill in balding areas, an FUT hair transplant is an effective and long-lasting solution. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about the best hair restoration options for you.

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